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Tobacco Induced Diseases

Title Abbreviation
Tob Induc Dis
Electronic ISSN
Advanced Practice Nurses, Biomedical Researchers, Clinicians, General Practitioners, Nurse Oncologists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants, Oncologists, Physician Assistants, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine, Scientists, Substance Abuse Administrators
Tobacco Induced Diseases encompasses all aspects of research related to the prevention and control of tobacco use at a global level. Preventing diseases attributable to tobacco is only one aspect of the journal, whose overall scope is to provide a forum for the publication of research articles that can contribute to reducing the burden of tobacco induced diseases globally. To address this epidemic we believe that there must be an avenue for the publication of research/policy activities on tobacco control initiatives that may be very important at a regional and national level. This approach provides a very important "hands on" service to the tobacco control community at a global scale - as common problems have common solutions. Hence, we see ourselves as "connectors" within this global community. The journal hence encourages the submission of articles from all medical, biological and psychosocial disciplines, ranging from medical and dental clinicians, through health professionals to basic biomedical and clinical scientists.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases (ISPTID)
Publisher Name
International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases
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