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Biomarker Insights

Title Abbreviation
Biomark Insights
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biologists, Cell Biologists, Clinicians, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Scientists
Biomarker Insights is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to support those engaged in biomarker research. It supports the communication of the latest advances in the identification of biomarkers, their application towards the discovery of new knowledge and their clinical application. Such an integrative multidisciplinary approach provides readers with the opportunity obtain up to date information from a wide array of topics in a single journal. The field of biomarkers in disease is an expanding area of research. Advances in the identification of disease biomarkers, coupled with new technology platforms, offer state-of-the art approaches to improve the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease. Identifying those patients who respond either positively or adversely to therapy is critical to ensure that drugs are used safely and effectively. Having effective biomarkers can be the difference between success and failure in the drug development pipeline. At the same time, biomarkers can show poor rates of reproducibility between individual studies, translating to low numbers of biomarkers that have been approved for clinical use. The many factors contributing to low rates of biomarker reproducibility and translation are therefore collectively impeding the capacity of biomarker research to improve patient care. Biomarker Insights therefore welcomes the submission of manuscripts that aim to improve the conduct, reporting and overall quality of biomarker research, including manuscripts that directly examine causes of biomarker failure and research waste. Biomarker Insights invites original research and review articles from across the health sciences and welcomes unsolicited article proposals. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: Identification of biomarkers (genetic, transcript, non-coding RNA, protein, metabolomic), Diagnostic biomarkers, Predictive biomarkers, Prognostic biomarkers, Companion biomarkers, Theranostic biomarkers, Therapeutic biomarkers, Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic biomarkers, Immunotherapeutic biomarkers, Biomarkers in stem cell research, Biomarker technology platforms, Biomarker development and clinical validation, Biomarker pathway analysis, Integration of biomarkers into mathematical models and algorithms, Integration of biomarkers into clinical practice guidelines and clinical decision support systems.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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