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Gene Regulation and Systems Biology

Title Abbreviation
Gene Regul Syst Bio
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Gene Regulation and Systems Biology is concerned with the regulation of genes and the proteins they encode and the relationship between gene regulation and the wider field of systems biology. The regulation of genes and the proteins they encode is at the core of systems biology. Understanding the role of gene regulation in the context of the entire system as it relates to disease processes will aid therapeutic development. Therefore, combining our knowledge of gene expression and promoter control, improving gene and protein networks, and determining the role of signal transduction will enhance our ability to treat complex diseases. Systems biology is concerned with the integration of different levels of information to understand how complex biological systems function. By studying the relationships and interactions between various parts of a biological system (including gene and protein networks involved in cell signaling) it may be possible to create an understandable model of the whole system. Mathematical, analytic, and particularly computer simulation and heuristics are used as research methods. The journal welcomes new manuscripts for peer review on the following topics: The regulation of genes and the proteins they encode; The relationship between gene regulation and the wider field of systems biology.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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