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Connective Tissue Research

Title Abbreviation
Connect Tissue Res
Electronic ISSN
Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Molecular Biologists, Orthopedists, Researchers, Rheumatologists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging
The aim of Connective Tissue Research is to present original and significant research in all basic areas of connective tissue and matrix biology. The journal also provides topical reviews and, on occasion, the proceedings of conferences in areas of special interest at which original work is presented. The journal supports an interdisciplinary approach; we present a variety of perspectives from different disciplines, including: Biochemistry; Cell and Molecular Biology; Immunology; Structural Biology; Biophysics; Biomechanics; Regenerative Medicine. The interests of the Editorial Board are to understand, mechanistically, the structure-function relationships in connective tissue extracellular matrix, and its associated cells, through interpretation of sophisticated experimentation using state-of-the-art technologies that include molecular genetics, imaging, immunology, biomechanics and tissue engineering. Articles published in the journal present data obtained from such technologies with the ultimate objective of resolving the intricacies of biological processes in health, disease and tissue repair. The tissues of interest are bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, muscle, dentin, skin, and teeth, as well as other connective tissue component-rich organs such as skin, the eyes, blood vessels, kidneys and lungs. Understanding structure and function of extracellular matrix in relation to cellular and biological processes are paramount objectives of the journal in areas of growth, development, aging, tissue remodeling, wound healing, and biomineralization. The collection of varied but related articles will inform, stimulate and broaden the outlooks of individual specialists interested in current connective tissue research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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