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Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods

Title Abbreviation
Toxicol Mech Methods
Electronic ISSN
Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Molecular Biologists, Pharmacologists, Toxicologists
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods is a peer-reviewed journal whose aim is twofold. Firstly, the journal contains original research on subjects dealing with the mechanisms by which foreign chemicals cause toxic tissue injury. Chemical substances of interest include industrial compounds, environmental pollutants, hazardous wastes, drugs, pesticides, and chemical warfare agents. The scope of the journal spans from molecular and cellular mechanisms of action to the consideration of mechanistic evidence in establishing regulatory policy. Secondly, the journal addresses aspects of the development, validation, and application of new and existing laboratory methods, techniques, and equipment. A variety of research methods are discussed, including: In vivo studies with standard and alternative species; In vitro studies and alternative methodologies; Molecular, biochemical, and cellular techniques; Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; Mathematical modeling and computer programs; Forensic analyses; Risk assessment; Data collection and analysis. Research papers are discouraged that report substances such as plant extracts, herbal materials, or ethno-traditional medicines that have not been adequately chemically characterized.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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