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Journal of Diabetes

Title Abbreviation
J Diabetes
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Diabetologists, Endocrinologists, General Practitioners, Researchers
Journal of Diabetes (JDB) devotes itself to diabetes research, therapeutics, and education. It aims to involve researchers and practitioners in a dialogue between East and West via all aspects of epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, management, complications and prevention of diabetes, including the molecular, biochemical, and physiological aspects of diabetes. The Editorial team is international with a unique mix of Asian and Western participation. The Journal of Diabetes editorial team now offer editorial feedback at a much earlier stage in the publishing process. Researchers can submit study designs without results for early feedback. This feedback can be confidential or available for public view based on the choice of the researchers. Journal of Diabetes Forum helps researchers and encourages discussion and learning among peers. Click here for more information on this exciting new service. Journal of Diabetes (JDB) devotes itself to diabetes research, therapeutics, and education. It aims to involve researchers and practitioners in a dialogue between East and West via all aspects of epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, management, complications and prevention of diabetes, including the molecular, biochemical, and physiological aspects of diabetes. The Editorial team is international with a unique mix of Asian and Western participation.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Chinese Society of Endocrinology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
Publisher Name
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