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Acta Radiologica

Title Abbreviation
Acta Radiol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Physiologists, Radiologists
Under the editorial leadership of Professor Arnulf Skjennald MD and a distinguished editorial board, the journal aims for the prompt publication of original research articles on diagnostic and interventional radiology, clinical radiology, experimental investigations in animals, and all other research related to imaging procedures. Acta Radiologica provides a complete update on all radiological specialties and technical utilities, as well as physiology and physics related to imaging, including ultrasonography, computed tomography, radionuclide and magnetic resonance imaging. Acta Radiologica provides a unique international information source for radiologists. Contributions are mainly drawn from Northern European institutions, but high quality research from all parts of the world is regularly included. In addition to original papers, Acta Radiologica also publishes invited review articles, short communications, and technical and instrumental notes.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Nordic Society of Medical Radiology (Nordisk Förening för Medicinsk Radiologi)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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