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Recenti Progressi in Medicina (Recent Advances in Medicine)

Title Abbreviation
Recenti Prog Med
Electronic ISSN
General Practitioners, Internists
The scope of the journal is Internal Medicine, with the aim of recovering an integrated approach in the approach to the patient and to health/illness problems. The visibility of research work and of the clinical and assistance experiences of Italian institutes and health companies is a reward for authors who choose the magazine as a tool for the dissemination of their work. Recent Progress in Medicine is a magazine that selects information. This means putting yourself in an active attitude towards the mass of information that has invaded medicine. Selecting the indiscriminate flow of data today constitutes a cultural emergency, a service aimed at avoiding the risk of losing knowledge of what is acquired in information.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
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