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Immunologic Research

Title Abbreviation
Immunol Res
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Immunologists, Researchers
The scope encompasses the immunological subspecialties that include: cellular immunology; immunogenetics; molecular and structural immunology; immunoregulation and autoimmunity; immunopathology; tumor immunology; host defense and microbial immunity; immunotoxicology; immunobiology; immunophysiology; immunopharmacology; viral immunology; immunohematology; mucosal immunology; complement; transplantation immunology; history of immunology; clinical immunology; translational immunology; neuroimmunology; and immunoendocrinology. Immunology has advanced to the point where its published contributions threaten to overwhelm the community they should serve. This journal, publishing brief, didactic interpretations of contemporary research, as well as original articles meets the need for authoritative guidance through the vast literature now confronting the immunologist. Immunologic Research maintains a balance between experimental and clinical data in practical and theoretical aspects of immunological investigation. It is a critical time-saving resource for the presentation of late breaking immunological advances in the expanding arena of biomedical research. With the proliferation of publications devoted to the multiple facets of immunological investigation, Immunologic Research represents a time-saving alternative for the clarification of specific aspects of contemporary topics in immunological research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Springer New York LLC
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