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Comparative Effectiveness Research

Title Abbreviation
Comp Eff Res (Auckl)
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Caregivers, Clinicians, Epidemiologists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Outcomes Manager, Patients, Policy Makers, Researchers
Comparative Effectiveness Research is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal that strives to cover this emerging field. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) is a PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time) question-driven, systematic process of investigation; it utilizes the well-characterized design of research synthesis, validated methodology for assessing the evidence and data analysis, which includes acceptable sampling and meta-analysis. CER assembles the best available evidence for ensuring effectiveness-focused, patient-centered and evidence-based medicine, dentistry, nursing and allied disciplines. CER is the critical and timely process of translational healthcare; it evinces the most reliable evidence to compare the advantages, disadvantages and expenditure for an intervention with other available options for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a clinical condition. CER amalgamates patients, clinicians, caregivers and other stakeholders to improve evidence-based clinical decision-making that will enhance healthcare at the discrete and population levels.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Dove Medical Press Ltd.
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