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Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications

Title Abbreviation
Clin Pharmacol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Pharmacologists, Medicinal Chemists, Pharmacologists
Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, that focuses on the publication of clinical trials with a special interest in early clinical trials and the pharmacologic behavior of drugs and agents. The journal is dedicated to publishing rapidly all scientifically sound clinical trials whatever the outcome and it is therefore essential that they also report the detailed pharmacologic information/data. The journal aims at publishing articles that will allow predictions to be made from drug chemistry and pharmacology for eventual benefits and side effects. The journal provides the best available evidence to support decisions related to the safety and efficacy of vaccines, drugs and medical devices for use by patients. The journal considers original research, methodology papers, short reports, reviews and commentaries in all areas of drug experience in humans.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Dove Medical Press Ltd.
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