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Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry

Title Abbreviation
J Esthet Restor Dent
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Dentists, Periodontists
JERD is the longest standing peer-reviewed journal devoted solely to advancing the knowledge and practice of esthetic dentistry. Its goal is to provide the very latest evidence-based information in the realm of contemporary interdisciplinary esthetic dentistry through high quality clinical papers, sound research reports and educational features. The range of topics covered in the journal includes: Interdisciplinary esthetic concepts, Implants, Conservative adhesive restorations, Tooth Whitening, Prosthodontic materials and techniques, Dental materials, Orthodontic, periodontal and endodontic esthetics. A key focus of JERD is interdisciplinary concepts in dental esthetics including interactions among restorative, orthodontic, periodontal and endodontic areas in achieving optimal esthetic and restorative outcomes. JERD publishes high quality peer-reviewed clinical papers and relevant in vitro and in vivo studies along with an insightful Commentary feature from a noted topic expert following each paper. Esthetics related research, Innovations in esthetics. JERD also includes a number of regular features. Each issue begins with a Perspectives feature that serves as a forum for the Editor-in-Chief as well as invited topic experts to discuss timely and salient issues relevant to esthetic dentistry. An Ask the Experts section, Critical Appraisal section and a Talking with Patients feature.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Academy of Cosmetic and Adhesive Dentistry (ACAD), American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED), British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (BAAD), International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED), Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD)
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