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Clinical Medicine Reviews in Therapeutics

Title Abbreviation
Clin Med Rev Ther
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
General Practitioners
Clinical Medicine Reviews in Therapeutics is an international, peer reviewed journal that focuses areas of therapeutics not addressed by the other titles in the Clinical Medicine Reviews series of journals. The journal specializes in focused reviews of individual drug therapies, combination therapies and classes of drugs. The journal also considers papers addressing the prevention, diagnosis and management of disorders associated with this area. This Clinical Medicine Reviews journal offers efficient publishing, high editorial quality and no article processing fees or other fees for authors. It is not an open access journal. Authors will be asked to assign copyright in their article to the publisher, and will not be permitted to distribute or archive the published version of the paper without the publisher’s consent for a period of twelve months after the date of publication. This does not affect authors' right to deposit the accepted version of the manuscript in a pre-print archive. To avoid possible misunderstandings authors are asked to confirm their understanding of this following manuscript submission.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - US
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