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Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology

Title Abbreviation
Taiwan J Ophthalmol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology is the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan (TOS), founded in May 1960 and is committed to active participation in eye care and the promotion of scientific research in ophthalmology. Articles are published open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License with no submission or publication fees. The aims of TJO are to increase the visibility of scientifically interesting and relevant articles for authors, and to create an international communication forum for globally-minded ophthalmologists. The journal encompasses all major subspecialties in the field of ophthalmology, with a special focus on ocular diseases that are prevalent in Southeast Asia. Each issue has a major theme that is focused on topics from a variety of subspecialties. The journal welcomes original innovative research, including up-to-date clinical studies and basic science research in ophthalmology, as well as related disciplines that are of interest to ophthalmic professionals. High-quality papers of other types, such as reviews, editorials, brief communications, letters to the editor, and case reports are also accepted.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan (OST)
Publisher Name
Medknow Publications - Wolters Kluwer
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