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Discovery Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Discov Med
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Health Scientists, Healthcare Executives, Managers, Patients, Physicians, Scientists
DM is an evidence-based, peer-reviewed biomedical journal. It is a premier source of important information, knowledge, and insights in translational and clinical research. DM provides a global professional publishing platform and facilitates the exchange of critical information between scientists, physicians, patients, and the healthcare industry — aiding research, patient care delivery, and humanity. DM pioneers a new movement and is passionate about compelling the free flow of cutting-edge, professional biomedical discovery research information from research laboratories to a diverse, large audience. The consequence of this rapid and wider availability of information is a more productive usage of biomedical research findings. DM publishes novel, provocative ideas and research findings that challenge conventional notions about disease mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment, or any of the life sciences subjects. It publishes cutting-edge, reliable, and authoritative information in all branches of life sciences but primarily in the following areas: Novel therapies and diagnostics (approved or experimental); innovative ideas, research technologies, and translational research that will give rise to the next generation of new drugs and therapies; breakthrough understanding of mechanism of disease, biology, and physiology; and commercialization of biomedical discoveries pertaining to the development of new drugs, therapies, medical devices, and research technology.
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Discovery Medicine
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