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Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research

Title Abbreviation
J Comp Eff Res
Electronic ISSN
Clinicians, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Outcomes Manager, Patients, Physicians, Policy Makers, Researchers
Healthcare is at a turning point. We have entered a new era of high patient expectations, aging populations and socioeconomic constraints. At the same time, attention is focusing more closely on personalized approaches to healthcare delivery, and healthcare options, especially in fields such as oncology, are proliferating. There is now a pressing need to make direct comparisons between the available healthcare options and interventions in order to address uncertainties in optimal clinical practice. In this new environment, the goal of comparative effectiveness research (CER) is to assist patients, physicians, purchasers, and policy makers to choose between the available effective treatments in order to improve healthcare delivery at the level of the individual and on a population scale. The underlying question in undertaking comparative effectiveness research is - which treatment will work best, in which patient, and under what circumstances? Against this backdrop, the peer-reviewed bimonthly journal Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research provides a rapid-publication platform for debate and for the presentation of new findings. Through rigorous evaluation and comprehensive coverage, Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research provides stakeholders (including patients, clinicians, healthcare purchasers, and health policy makers) with the key data and opinions to make informed and specific decisions on clinical practice.
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Publisher Name
Becaris Publishing
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