Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine
Electronic ISSN
Gynecologists, Neonatologists, Obstetricians, Pediatricians, Perinatologists, Physicians, Scientists
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The objective of the new journal is very similar to that of JPM. In addition to evidence-based studies, practitioners in clinical practice esteem especially exemplary reports of cases that reveal specific manifestations of diseases, its progress or its treatment. We consider case reports and series to be brief reports describing an isolated clinical case or a small number of cases. They may describe new or uncommon diagnoses, unusual outcomes or prognosis, new or infrequently used therapies and side effects of therapy not usually discovered in clinical trials. They represent the basic concept of experiences for studies on representative groups for further evidence-based research. The potential roles of case reports and case series are: 1. Recognition and description of new diseases 2. Detection of drug side effects (adverse or beneficial) 3. Study of mechanisms of disease 4. Medical education and audit 5. Recognition of rare manifestations of disease.
Topics: Unexpected or unusual presentations or processes of a disease; Presentations, diagnoses and/or management of new and emerging diseases; An unexpected association between diseases or symptoms; An unexpected event in the course of observing or treating a patient; Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect; Unique therapeutic approaches; Unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medications or treatments.
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Publisher Name
De Gruyter
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