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Case Reports in Gastroenterology

Title Abbreviation
Case Rep Gastroenterol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Clinicians, Gastroenterologists, Researchers
The first gastroenterology journal dedicated exclusively to case reports. This peer-reviewed online-only journal publishes original case reports covering the entire spectrum of gastroenterology. Clinicians and researchers are given a tool to disseminate their personal experience to a wider public as well as to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues all over the world. To complement the contributions supplementary material is welcomed. The reports are organized according to the classification used by the American Gastroenterological Association Institute; it will be possible to search across the entire growing collection of case reports with universally used terms, further facilitating the retrieval of specific information. Following the open access principle, the entire contents can be retrieved at no charge, guaranteeing easy access to this valuable source of anecdotal information at all times.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Japanese Gastroenterological Association (JGA)
Publisher Name
Karger Publishers
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