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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering

Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Clinical Engineers, Clinicians, Researchers
IJBCE is to propound and encourage new ideas and techniques in biomedical engineering. The main of objective of the journal is to bridge medicine and technology, covering state-of-the-art advancements and new standards. The journal serves as a forum for researchers, clinicians, medical industrialists, healthcare professionals, and academicians to exchange ideas for developing new healthcare standards, products, and so forth. Topics Covered: Artificial intelligence in medicine, BioMEMS, Bionics, Biophotonics, Biosensors and applications, Clinical engineering, Diagnostic interpretation and validation, Grid computing and healthcare, Health informatics, Hospital engineering, Medical equipment design, modeling, and applications, Medical Ethics, Medical imaging techniques, Medical optics, Medical protocols, Nanotechnology in biomedicine, Network security and its importance in biomedicine, Neuro rehabilitation engineering, Physiological signal monitoring, Robotics, Telemedicine applications, Telepresence surgery, Understanding safety standards for medical equipments.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Information Resources Management Association
Publisher Name
IGI Global
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