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Our Dermatology Online

Title Abbreviation
Our Dermatol Online
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Dermatologists, Immunologists
Our Dermatology Online journal is a medical journal publishing original scientific papers based on authorial research, as well as review and opinion articles and case studies. The Advisory Board includes specialists from many countries around the world. Our Dermatology Online journal is quarterly and is available in electronic form at Papers are published in English, with abstracts and key words in this languages. It is acceptable to articles written in any other language, with a compulsory summary in English. The editors of Our Dermatology Online journal endorse the principles embodied in the Helsinki Declaration and expect that all research involving humans has been performed in accordance with these principles. For animal experimentation reported in the journal, it is expected that investigators will have observed the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences' Adhoc Committee on Animal Research. All human and animal studies must have been approved by the chief investigator's institutional review board. Authors are requested to include a copy of the relevant documentation with the submitted manuscript.
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Our Dermatology Onine
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