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Animal Migration

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Biologists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Life-Science Researchers, Researchers, Scientists
Animal Migration is an open access journal that publishes cutting-edge research on the biology of migratory species. We strive to present a forum where all aspects of migratory biology can be discussed, from genetics and physiology to ecosystem-level interactions between migrants and their environment and everything in between. Migration is a world-wide phenomenon, hence authors from all over the globe are encouraged to submit articles to Animal Migration. Animal Migration publishes research on all species and all aspects of migration biology, keeping readers up to date on developments in non-focal species and systems. We publish articles about new technologies and methods for studying migratory animals, providing readers with techniques they can use in their focal systems. We feature research performed by individuals all over the globe, helping readers to connect with potential collaborators and correspondents.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
De Gruyter Open
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