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Cell Host & Microbe

Title Abbreviation
Cell Host Microbe
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Cell Biologists, Clinical Microbiologists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists
Cell Host & Microbe was launched in March 2007. The journal's mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts between scientists studying the microbe with those studying the host immune, cell biological, and molecular response upon colonization or infection by a microbe. Cell Host & Microbe will publish novel findings related to microbes (which includes bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses) from molecular and cellular biology to translational studies with particular emphasis on the interface between the microbe and its host (vertebrate, invertebrate, or plant; unicellular or multicellular). The unifying theme is the integrated study of microbes (pathogenic, non-pathogenic, and commensal) in conjunction and communication with each other, their host, and the cellular environment they inhabit. Work published in Cell Host & Microbe is expected not only to be of exceptional significance within its field, but also of interest to researchers outside the immediate area. In addition to primary research manuscripts, Cell Host & Microbe will publish expert analysis, commentary, and reviews on topics of current interest in the field. Topics covered include: Molecular and cell biology of microbes, Microbial pathogenesis, Host cellular and immune response to microbes, Immune evasion, Therapeutics, Evolution, epidemiology, and natural history of microbes, Vaccine design, development, and trials, Emerging pathogens.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cell Press
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