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Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal

Title Abbreviation
GaBi J
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Hospice Nurses, Hospital Administrators, Nurses, Patients, Pharmaceutical Benefits Managers, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine, Policy Makers
GaBI Journal encompasses all aspects of generic and biosimilar medicines development and use, from fundamental research up to clinical application and policies. The mission is to provide an independent, high quality, authoritative, and peer reviewed platform for the publication of scientific articles concerning any aspect of the research into and development of cost-effective medicines, irrespective of their source. GaBI will thus make information on pharmaceutical innovation and developments in generic and biosimilar medicines accessible to everyone, including physicians, pharmacists and nurses, patients/consumers, drug developers, third-party payers, legislators and assessors. The scope is broad and of interest and relevance to professionals active in clinical practice, pharmaceutical science and policy. Materials include high quality research reports, literature reviews and case studies, all of which are peer reviewed. All aspects of generic and biosimilar medicines, covering areas in clinical, fundamental, technical, manufacturing, bi-processing, economic and social aspects of pharmaceuticals and therapeutics are welcome. In addition, high quality work submitted in other formats, for example, scientific and evidence-based commentaries, may also be considered. In all cases, the emphasis is on quality, originality and knowledge contribution to those involved in health care.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBi)
Publisher Name
Pro Pharma Communications International
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