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International Journal of Medical Research Professionals

Title Abbreviation
Int J Med Res Prof.
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Allied Health Professionals, Biomedical Researchers, Clinicians, Dentists, General Practitioners, Physicians - Medicine, Researchers, Surgeons
International Journal of Medical Research Professionals (IJMRP) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access, freely accessible international medical research journal. The International Journal of Medical Research Professionals is published bimonthly, (6 issues per year). IJMRP publishes peer reviewed quality biomedical research in the form of original research articles, review articles, editorial, case reports, short communications, images in medical practice, clinical problem solving etc. Criteria for consideration of papers - The papers should meet the following criteria – the material should be original, the methodology used should be standard and appropriate, results should be unambiguous supported with data/photographs, conclusions should be reasonable and based on the findings, the topic should be of biomedical interest and findings should have clinical significance. Papers involving human and animals should be ethically cleared by the local ethical committees. Manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the Guidelines set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) as uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. We covers all departments of medical and dental specialties and extensive support to author is given in areas of manuscript preparation, statistical analysis, literature search, fast and prompt reviewing of manuscript etc. The scientific information published in the journal reflects the views of the authors and not of the Journal or its editorial board. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals or its editorial board cannot be held responsible for any wrong scientific information published in the journal. Duplication or reduplication of earlier published in any journal will not be entertained by International Journal of Medical Research Professionals.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences
Publisher Name
Dr. Rohin Garg
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