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Archives of Dental and Medical Research

Title Abbreviation
Arch of Dent and Med Res
Electronic ISSN
Dental Hygienists, Dentists, General Practitioners, Physicians, Researchers
The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the fields of Science and allied specialties. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Journal editors, welcome thought provoking papers on areas listed above. Decisions about papers will be communicated to authors within 3 weeks of submission. AODMR publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge and research in Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc.. and aims to provide a platform to researchers to publish their articles. It comprises peer- reviewed articles as its core material which includes original research papers, case reports, clinical innovations, short communication and review articles as well. We encourage the submission of manuscripts that cross disciplines and also studies that address universal problems of human health.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Mohan Publications
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