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Foot & Ankle International

Title Abbreviation
Foot Ankle Int
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Bone Specialists, Diabetologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Orthopedists, Pain Specialists, Physicians, Physiologists, Podiatrists, Sports Medicine Specialists
This monthly medical journal emphasizes surgical and medical management as it relates to the foot and ankle with a specific focus on reconstructive, trauma, and sports-related conditions utilizing the latest technological advances. FAI offers original, clinically oriented, peer-reviewed research articles presenting new approaches to foot and ankle pathology and treatment, current case reviews, and technique tips addressing the management of complex problems. This journal is an ideal resource for highly-trained orthopaedic foot and ankle specialists and allied health care providers. The journal focuses on the following areas of interest: • Surgery • Wound care • Bone healing • Pain management • In-office orthotic systems • Diabetes • Sports medicine.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - US
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