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Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (Journal de l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada)

Title Abbreviation
J Can Health Libr Assoc
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Educators, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Librarians, Managers, Medical Directors, Researchers, Technologists
The Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association is dedicated to providing a voice for issues and interests shared by Canadian health science librarians and health libraries. Topics include: • Health information and library services • Primary health care reform, health system integration, health information networks, etc. • Electronic medical records, personal medical records • Consumer health information services • Provincial health information networks – role of librarians in these, role of consumer health information • Evidence-based medicine/practice, evidence-based librarianship • New and changing roles for librarians, digital libraries, intranet information delivery • Distance services • Library management, consortia, partnerships, collaboration with other sectors • Databases, apps, and other information products • Accreditation (Library – CCHSA, JCAHO and AHIP through MLA) • Management and mentoring • Education (continuing education, health sciences curricula of library schools, etc.) • Grants (identifying, writing, and obtaining) • Working in remote/rural environments (e.g., role of the Internet and national consortia, and impact on libraries/librarians in these settings) • Health literacy • Emerging technologies and social media as they pertain to the library environment, or to the users we serve.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA-ABSC)
Publisher Name
Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA-ABSC
To see more details about Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (Journal de l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada), Subscribe Now!
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