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Rivista di Psichiatria (Journal of Psychiatry)

Title Abbreviation
Riv Psichiatr
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Clinical Pharmacologists, Hospitalists, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists
The Journal of Psychiatry represents one of the oldest scientific papers on the themes of psychiatry in Italy. Every two months, it is divided into distinct sections: the first collects a review on the main current issues of psychiatry, allowing the reader to constantly update on psychopathology, diagnosis and therapy topics; the second section contains experimental works and the third a case report of particular scientific interest. The columns for the presentation of the book news and the Congresses, inserted in the final section of the Journal, allow the reader to make a reasoned choice on the topics to be explored based on personal interest in study and work. In recent years, the magazine has made use of scientific contributions from leading Italian experts in the academic area, also publishing collaborative works between Italian research centers and foreign universities. Particular attention was also paid to the presentation of experiences of the so-called "territory", with the editorial choice to publish works from realities such as hospital diagnosis and treatment services, mental health centers, day hospitals. The online version constitutes a further step for the expansion of psychiatric knowledge in Italy, in order to enhance operational information / training tools in an area in constant evolution such as the psychiatric one.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
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