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Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

Title Abbreviation
Administrators, Health Scientists, Healthcare Executives, Researchers
Established in 1998 Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal (QMR) publishes scholarly research from around the world that aims to further the frontiers of knowledge and understanding of qualitative market research and its applications. This is achieved by publishing high quality research papers that both inform and challenge our awareness of the dichotomy of practices and principals in research in an analytical and practical way. As a journal that aims to further our understanding of qualitative market research, papers can use a variety of inter-disciplinary applications, such as: cultural studies, economics and sociology; and from related fields in: discourse analysis, ethnography, semiotics and grounded theory, phenomenology and psycho-analysis. QMR welcomes papers that utilise qualitative methodologies that cover all aspects of marketing, including but not limited to: consumer behaviour, online marketing, marketing strategy, services and social marketing.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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