International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
Title Abbreviation
Int J Pharm Healthc Mark
Electronic ISSN
Administrators, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Managers, Medical Directors, Pharmaceutical Benefits Managers, Policy Makers, Researchers
The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (IJPHM) is positioned as a leading specialist reference resource of academic information and analysis on pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing. IJPHM highlights cutting edge research, new concepts and theories, and fresh practical ideas and initiatives that can be readily applied in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. This journal has four unique attributes, all of which contribute towards making this an eclectic journal.
IJPHM is the first of its kind to combine the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, as these are intrinsically linked in policy, perspectives, and operations. By focusing on both pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, this journal explores issues of both physical goods marketing (pharmaceutical products) and services marketing (healthcare).
This journal attempts to combine rigour and relevance by integrating theory and practice in its approach. While academic rigour is achieved through high quality reviewers and authors, practical relevance remains a necessary yardstick for selection of papers in the journal.
Above all, the journal has a strong multi-disciplinary drawing in international perspectives from business and science and thus contributes to society.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Association for Marketing & Health Care Research (AMHCR)
Publisher Name
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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