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Title Abbreviation
Biotribology (Oxf)
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Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Clinical Engineers, Industrial Scientists, Researchers, Scientists
Research should include a biological surface as part of the interface or have a direct impact on biological function. The scope includes all aspects of the tribology of bio-interfaces. Subjects include: Natural joints: Synovial joints, articular cartilage, meniscus, mechanically and biochemically induced damage • Artificial articular joints: Partial & total joint replacement, spinal discs, explant analysis, implant corrosion and wear, artificial cartilage, bio-scaffolds • Prosthesis tribology: Prosthetic human interfacing and coupling, tribological function • Biological implants: Catheters, heart pumps, stents, bio-probes, intravenous, needles • Biomimetics • Ocular tribology: Ocular surfaces, contact lenses, tear lubrication and Dry Eye Syndrome • Skin tribology: Damage mechanisms, blistering mechanisms, bedsores, sweat lubrication • Haptics: Tactile perception and surface texture, ergonomics • Personal care: Hair conditioners, skin creams, cosmetics, shaving products, exfoliants, toothpaste • Oral processing: Foodstuffs and beverages, mouth feel and taste perception, food texture and rheology • Dental tribology: Tooth and implant, implant anchoring, tribo-corrosion of dental surfaces, fracture mechanism of teeth • Biotribology for industry: Identifying new opportunities, developing test methods, correlation with customer experience, consumer products and packaging • Sports Tribology: Equipment design and development, preparation, deterioration and testing of sport surfaces, grip, gait analysis.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Ltd. - Oxford
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