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Journal of Tribology

Title Abbreviation
J Tribol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Clinical Engineers, Microbiologists, Scientists
The Journal of Tribology publishes over 100 outstanding technical articles of permanent interest to the tribology community annually and attracts articles by tribologists from around the world. The journal features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field. In addition to being of interest to engineers and other scientists doing research in the field, the Journal is also of great importance to engineers who design or use mechanical components such as bearings, gears, seals, magnetic recording heads and disks, or prosthetic joints, or who are involved with manufacturing processes. Scope: Friction and wear; Fluid film lubrication; Elastohydrodynamic lubrication; Surface properties and characterization; Contact mechanics; Magnetic recordings; Tribological systems; Seals; Bearing design and technology; Gears; Metalworking; Lubricants; Artificial joints
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Publisher Name
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
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