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Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal (Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Surgery)

Title Abbreviation
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Dental Hygienists, Dentists, Surgeons
Journal Sections: Oral Cancer and Potentially malignant disorder; Oral Medicine and Pathology: Clinicopathological as well as medical or surgical management aspects of diseases affecting oral mucosa, salivary glands, maxillary bones, as well as orofacial neurological disorders, and systemic conditions with an impact on the oral cavity; Medically compromised patients in Dentistry: Articles discussing medical problems in Odontology will also be included, with a special focus on the clinico-odontological management of medically compromised patients, and considerations regarding high-risk or disabled patients; Oral Surgery: Surgical management aspects of diseases affecting oral mucosa, salivary glands, maxillary bones, teeth, implants, oral surgical procedures. Surgical management of diseases affecting head and neck areas; Implantology; Periodontology.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Iberoamerican Academy of Oral Pathology and Medicine (Academia Iberoamericana de Patología Oral y Medicina) (AIPMB), Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (Sociedad Española de Disfunción Craneomandibular y Dolor Orofacial) (SEDCYDO), Spanish Society of Gerodontology (Sociedad Española de Gerodontología) (SEGER), Spanish Society of Laser in Dentistry (Sociedad Española de Láser en Odontología), Spanish Society of Odontostomatology for patients with Special Needs (Sociedad Española de Odontoestomatología para pacientes con Necesidades Especiales) (SEOENE), Spanish Society of Oral Medicine (Sociedad Española de Medicina Oral) (SEMO), Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal) (SECIB)
Publisher Name
Medicina Oral S.L
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