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Kidney Cancer Journal

Title Abbreviation
Kidney Cancer J
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Hematologists, Nephrologists, Oncologists, Urologists
The Kidney Cancer Journal serves as the most comprehensive, peer-reviewed resource of information for physicians on the diagnosis and treatment of renal cell carcinoma and all of its tumor types. Published quarterly and guided by a Medical Advisory Board and an Editorial Advisory Board of leading investigators and thought leaders involved in pivotal clinical trials, the KCJ and its International Edition focus on the impact of translational research in oncology and urology. Reviewing new data in the peer-reviewed medical literature, presenting case histories, and evaluating the merits of bench research, the journal offers an in-depth analysis of trends affecting patient care. The Kidney Cancer Journal is the official journal of the Kidney Cancer Association and provides Continuing Medical Education credit in association with City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California. The journal seeks to provide the most reliable, authoritative, and scientifically rigorous information available to physicians involved in the management of renal cancer. This audience includes medical oncologists, hematologist-oncologists, and urologists.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Kidney Cancer Association
Publisher Name
Kidney Cancer Association
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