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Letters in Applied Microbiology

Title Abbreviation
Lett Appl Microbiol
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Microbiologists
Letters in Applied Microbiology provides for the rapid publication of short, high quality papers in the broad field of applied microbiology, with particular interests to antimicrobials (antibiotics, biocides, natural products, probiotics), rapid diagnosis, bioinformatics, microbial genetics, medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary microbiology. Water, biodegradation and biodeterioration, and microbe-plant interactions are also regular features. Journal of & Letters in Applied Microbiology are two of the flagship research journals of the Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM). For more than 75 years they have been publishing top quality research and reviews in the broad field of applied microbiology. The journals are provided to all SfAM members as well as having a global online readership totalling more than 500,000 downloads per year in more than 200 countries. Submitting authors can expect fast decision and publication times, averaging 33 days to first decision and 34 days from acceptance to online publication.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM)
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