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PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Title Abbreviation
PDA J Pharm Sci Technol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Industrial Scientists, Pharmacologists, Scientists, Technologists
The PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (The Journal), was established in 1947. In 1977, the title was changed to Journal of Parenteral Science and Technology, and in 1994 the title was again changed to PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. The Journal is considered to be one of the most relevant and highly cited vehicles for peer-reviewed scientific and technical papers in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The Journal is published bimonthly with a circulation of over 10,000 and is distributed to the PDA membership as a member benefit. The Journal is also available by subscription to industry, university, and public libraries, as well as to government agencies. Journal articles are categorized into the following areas: editorial, letter to the editor, commentary, review, research, technology/application (or case studies), and conference proceedings.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Parenteral Drug Association (PDA)
Publisher Name
Parenteral Drug Association (PDA)
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