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Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine

Title Abbreviation
J 3D Print Med
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Computer Scientists, Physicians, Researchers, Residents, Scientists, Surgeons, Technologists
3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is the process of making a 3D object from a digital file. 3D printing has been in use for several years in certain areas such as manufacturing, and the aerospace and automotive industries. Excitingly, 3D printing, and the related field of 3D bioprinting, is now being used in increasingly advanced ways in healthcare, allowing new levels of precision, personalization and cost efficiency. Published by Future Medicine, the Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine (ISSN: 2059-4755) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal poised at the brink of an exciting new era in healthcare. Encompassing all aspects of bioprinting and 3D printing of relevance to medicine, the journal provides a forum for research, review and commentary in a fast-moving, inter-disciplinary research area. Key topics covered include: 3D printing and bioprinting as they relate to: Implants and prosthetics, Medical devices and device components, such as hearing aids, dental implants and surgical implements, Surgical guides, Tissue engineering, Organ replacement, Biological materials for drug and toxicity screening, Pharmaceutical research and fabrication, Regulatory and safety issues, Development of 3D printing equipment and technology, Patent and copyright issues, Health economics. Spanning many fields, including biomedical engineering, medical devices, tissue engineering and biomaterials, the Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine presents key data and opinions as they emerge. Unsolicited article proposals are welcomed and authors are required to comply fully with the journal's Disclosure & Conflict of Interest Policy as well as major publishing guidelines, including ICMJE and GPP3.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Future Medicine Ltd.
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