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WCET Journal

Title Abbreviation
Therapeutic Area
Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurse Educators, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Nursing Students
The WCET® Journal is the peak international scholarly journal for ostomy, wound and continence nurses worldwide. It is the official journal of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists® and the International Inter-professional Wound Care Group. The journal globally supports specialist nurses in ostomy, wound and continence care, as well as medical and allied health professionals and researchers, to disseminate their clinical expertise, knowledge and research to promote evidence-based, patient-centred, high quality care for persons living with ostomy, wound or continence needs. It serves as a vehicle for on-going professional education and practice updates, with all articles subject to blind review by international experts in the field of the submitted work. All manuscripts are submitted and reviewed in English, the first language of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists® . A printed copy of the Journal is posted (individually addressed) to all WCET® members in over 65 countries. It is also published in Chinese, Spanish, French and Portuguese on separate electronic platforms including the original English, to cater for members who speak these languages more fluently than English. The primary aim of the journal is to advance the care of people with ostomy, wound or continence needs by: • providing professional development for ostomy, wound and continence nurses, related medical and allied health professionals and other relevant parties • communicating knowledge and information about ostomy, wound and continence disease processes, conditions and associated preventions and treatments • advocating for the interests of nurses, health professionals and persons with ostomy, wound or continence needs • supporting and integrating practice development, research, quality improvement and innovation • setting guidelines and recommending standards for nurses and health professionals caring for people with ostomy, wound or continence needs • promoting inter-professional collaboration in the assessment and management of persons with ostomy, wound or continence needs • doing all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Mission of the WCET® .
Sponsoring Association(s)
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET)
Publisher Name
Cambridge Publishing
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