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Nure Investigacion

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Therapeutic Area
Academics, Educators, Nurse Educators, Nurses, Nursing Students, Researchers, Residents, Student Nurses
NURE Research is a scientific journal whose main objective is the dissemination of quality nursing scientific production that takes place in our country and in other Spanish-speaking countries. It has a peer review system for the original articles it publishes. The journal aims to promote the use of research as an engine for the development of the nursing discipline. It belongs to the Open Access movement, which promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge without barriers, thus facilitating accessibility to a large number of users for the acquisition, consolidation, dissemination and updating of knowledge derived from nursing research. Therefore, neither the consultation of the contents nor the sending of articles to the journal entail any cost for the authors or readers. But NURE Research also aims to facilitate the work of those who begin research, so it publishes research and research projects developed in different scenarios of official undergraduate and postgraduate training (work leading to obtaining the degree or masters and nursing specialties), in order to facilitate the dissemination of these research documents.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Foundation for Nursing Development-FUDEN
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