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Surgery Open Science

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Therapeutic Area
Surgery Open Science is a new open access journal affiliated with the journal Surgery and striving to incorporate the strongest tenets of the open science movement including allowing author preprints, rigorous reviewing, and data sharing. As such, Surgery Open Science will provide leading edge dynamic, transparent, and interactive access to process and data. Surgery Open Science seeks original, high quality basic and clinical science submissions and timely, rigorous review manuscripts in the broad field of general surgery; these submissions should be of interest to an international audience. Case reports and book reviews are not accepted by the journal. Surgery Open Science strives for a fast, detailed reviewing process, aiming to return the first decision in less than 30 days from submission. Rapid online manuscript publication will follow acceptance. Authors are encouraged to submit original data for review.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Mosby
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