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IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Clinical Engineers, Clinicians, Computer Scientists, Scientists, Technologists
Welcome to the IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (IEEE OJEMB). Our purpose is to serve the community of innovators whose work spans medicine, technology, and science, and our unique focus is to promote the highest quality cross-disciplinary research in these fields. This focus is an expression of our belief that the future of medicine lies in a collaboration between biology and technology, and that fostering interactions across these disciplines is key to promoting the discoveries that are most likely to improve clinical care. Our scope covers the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to biology, medicine and health sciences to provide effective solutions to biological, medical and healthcare problems.
Sponsoring Association(s)
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
Publisher Name
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBS)
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