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Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology

Electronic ISSN
Clinicians, Colorectal Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Radiologists, Scientists, Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists, Transplant Surgeons
Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology is the official journal of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists & Oncologists (IASGO). IASGO has been at the forefront of globalization of medical knowledge for more than 3 decades. IASGO has established a program aimed at globalization of medical knowledge and expertise through a well-structured and precisely organized system of continued medical education. The main characteristics of this program have always been the multi-disciplinary structure and multi-national reach, aiming to update the members in the newest developments in the fields of Surgery, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Endoscopy, and Interventional Radiology. The scope of Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology is to promote and facilitate at a global scale the interactions (communication and collaborations) between medical professionals specialized in these disciplines and basic scientists. IASGO leadership is fully committed to have an Journal that is highly respected as a scientific forum for all members working in the areas of surgery, gastroenterology and oncology. We aim to transform Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology in a indispensable and highly valued scientific platform for heathcare professionals, with wide international visibility.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO)
Publisher Name
Celsius Publishing House
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