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Brazilian Journal of Health Economics (Jornal Brasileiro de Economia da Saude)

Title Abbreviation
J Bras Econ Saúde
Health Service Researchers, Hospitalists, Outcomes Manager, Pharmaco-Epidemiologists, Policy Makers
The Brazilian Journal of Health Economics (JBES) was created in 2009 with the aim of promoting and disseminating knowledge in the areas of Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics and Health Technology Assessment. The content of the issues is available in print and electronic formats on a quarterly basis. With the dissemination of knowledge produced by Health Economics, it is intended to help reduce the negative impacts that may be associated with decision-making processes, such as, for example, choices regarding the incorporation of new technologies, treatments and medicines. Studies in Health Economics have helped to prioritize the most effective medical procedures and contributed to the development of alternatives that combine criteria of economic sustainability with meeting the needs of individuals. The JBES is, therefore, a channel of communication and promotion of articulation between the health industry, regulatory agencies, supplementary health organizations, hospitals, research centers, universities and other institutions interested in the development of studies that explore the interface between economy and health, contributing to the expansion of the population's access to medicines and health services.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Doctor Press
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