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Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment

Title Abbreviation
Technol Cancer Res Treat
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Clinicians, Epidemiologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Radiologic Technicians, Radiologists, Researchers, Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists, Technologists, Ultrasound Medicine Specialists
Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment (TCRT) is a JCR-ranked, broad-scoped, open access, peer-reviewed publication whose aim is to provide researchers and clinicians with a platform to share and discuss developments in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cancer. Article Types and Topics of Interest TCRT welcomes original research (both basic and clinical studies), reviews, and commentaries. We encourage submissions relating to advances in the following areas: 1. Preventative or Diagnostic: Biomarkers (genes, genetic abnormalities, RNA, proteins, hormones, enzymes), Methods of biomarker detection, Cancer biology (cell and molecular biology, immune response, tumor biology, tumor microenvironment), Genetic (DNA damage and repair, epigenetics, gene regulation), Proteomics, Genomics, Systems Biology, Epidemiology, Imaging technologies (CT scan, MRI, X-ray, Ultrasound), Nuclear medicine scan (Bone, PET, Thyroid, MUGA, Gallium), Biopsy (endoscopic, needle), Emerging technologies, Novel applications of existing technologies. 2. Treatment or Monitoring: Stem cell transplantation, Precision/Personalized medicine, Targeted therapy (antibodies, small-molecule drugs), Immunotherapy (adoptive cell transfer, BCG, cytokines, gene therapy, gene transfer, monoclonal antibodies, oncolytic virotherapy, vaccines), Surgery (open or minimally-invasive), Chemotherapy, Hormone therapy, Radiation therapy (external beam or internal), Brachytherapy, Cryosurgery/Cryotherapy, Laser therapy (laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT), interstitial laser photocoagulation), Hyperthermia therapy/Thermal therapy/Thermotherapy, Photodynamic therapy (PDT), Irreversible electroporation (IRE), Emerging technologies or novel applications of existing ones.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - US
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