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Nature Metabolism

Title Abbreviation
Nat Metab
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Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Diabetologists, Exercise Physiologists, Nutritionists, Physiologists, Researchers, Scientists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging
Nature Metabolism publishes work from across all fields of metabolism research that significantly advances our understanding of metabolic and homeostatic processes in a cellular or broader physiological context, from fundamental cell biology to basic biomedical and translational research. At its core, the research published in Nature Metabolism sheds light on how cellular metabolism informs cellular function, on the physiology and homeostasis of organs and tissues, on the regulation of organismal energy homeostasis, and on the molecular pathophysiology of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, or the treatment thereof. Like all Nature-branded journals, Nature Metabolism is characterized by a dedicated team of professional editors, a fair and rigorous peer-review process, high standards of copy-editing and production, swift publication, and editorial independence. Topics covered in the journal: 1. Cell biology: Nutrient sensing, Metabolic pathways, networks and fluxes, Mitochondrial biology, Metabolic regulation of post-translational modifications, Autophagy and proteostasis, Redox signalling, Senescence, Cancer metabolism, Stem cell metabolism, Immune cell metabolism, Microbial metabolism and biotechnology, Plant metabolism. 2. Integrative physiology and biomedical research: Physiology of metabolic tissues, including adipose tissue, pancreas, liver, gut, muscle, Hormonal, neuronal, immunological or microbial regulation of organismal energy homeostasis, Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, NAFLD/NASH, Metabolic syndrome, including hypertension, Cardiovascular biology and metabolism, Lipid and cholesterol metabolism, Atherosclerosis, Inter-tissue crosstalk and endocrinology, Microbiome research, Ageing research, Circadian rhythms, Diet and nutrition, Physiological responses to environmental cues, Methodological advances in metabolism research. 3. Translational and clinical research: Treatment of metabolic diseases or the metabolic syndrome, including clinical studies, Drugs that target metabolic pathways in disease, Nutritional interventions, Exercise physiology, OMICS and muti-OMICS studies, Systems genetics of metabolic traits.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Springer Nature
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