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Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research

Title Abbreviation
J Pathol Clin Res
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biomedical Researchers, Clinicians, Pathologists
The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research and The Journal of Pathology serve as translational bridges between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to, tissue based studies. The focus of The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research is the publication of studies that illuminate the clinical relevance of research in the broad area of the study of disease. Appropriately powered and validated studies with novel diagnostic, prognostic and predictive significance, and biomarker discovery and validation, will be welcomed. Studies with a predominantly mechanistic basis will be more appropriate for the companion The Journal of Pathology. The Journal welcomes investigative diagnostic, prognostic, and biomarker studies with clear clinical relevance, that advance our understanding of the mechanisms of human disease. In general, hypothesis-driven studies that are appropriately powered and validated will be preferred. As well as original research papers, the Journal seeks to provide rapid publication in a variety of other formats, including editorials, review articles, commentaries and perspectives and other features, both contributed and solicited. In all cases, contributions are subjected to strict peer review. Purely descriptive papers (including case reports and new diagnostic techniques) that do not provide novel insights into clinical disease are not considered central to the Journal’s purpose. Correspondence relating to papers published in the Journal will be considered, but only if of general interest. In determining content, the primary considerations are excellence, relevance and novelty. As a journal of The Pathological Society, it seeks to reflect the broad scientific interests of the Society’s membership but its ethos, authorship, content and purpose are those expected of a leading publication in the international scientific literature.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Publisher Name
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