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Cell Stem Cell

Title Abbreviation
Cell Stem Cell
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Scientists
Cell Stem Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the entire spectrum of stem cell biology. Topics covered include embryonic stem cells, pluripotency, germline stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, stem cell differentiation, epigenetics, stem cell genomics and systems biology, genome reprogramming, cancer stem cells, stem cell niches, stem-cell-based disease models, nuclear transfer technology, bioengineering, drug discovery, in vivo imaging of stem cells, therapeutic applications, regenerative medicine, clinical and translational insights, stem cell research policies, ethical issues, and technical or resource-based innovations. We will consider studies from any model system that provides insights into stem cell biology, and we encourage submissions on human stem cells. Cell Stem Cell publishes research reports describing novel results of unusual significance in all areas of stem cell research. Each issue also contains a wide variety of review and analysis articles covering topics relevant to stem cell research ranging from basic biological advances to ethical, policy, and funding issues.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cell Press
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