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Molecular Imaging and Biology

Title Abbreviation
Mol Imaging Biol
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists, Computer Scientists, Cytologists, Molecular Biologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Pathologists, Radiologic Technicians, Researchers, Scientists, Statisticians, Technologists, Ultrasound Medicine Specialists
Molecular Imaging and Biology (MIB) invites original contributions (research articles, review articles, commentaries, etc.) on the utilization of molecular imaging (i.e., nuclear imaging, optical imaging, autoradiography and pathology, MRI, MPI, ultrasound imaging, radiomics/genomics etc.) to investigate questions related to biology and health. The objective of MIB is to provide a forum to the discovery of molecular mechanisms of disease through the use of imaging techniques. We aim to investigate the biological nature of disease in patients and establish new molecular imaging diagnostic and therapy procedures. Some areas that are covered are: Preclinical and clinical imaging of macromolecular targets (e.g., genes, receptors, enzymes) involved in significant biological processes. The design, characterization, and study of new molecular imaging probes and contrast agents for the functional interrogation of macromolecular targets. Development and evaluation of imaging systems including instrumentation, image reconstruction algorithms, image analysis, and display. Development of molecular assay approaches leading to quantification of the biological information obtained in molecular imaging. Study of in vivo animal models of disease for the development of new molecular diagnostics and therapeutics. Extension of in vitro and in vivo discoveries using disease models, into well designed clinical research investigations. Clinical molecular imaging involving clinical investigations, clinical trials and medical management or cost-effectiveness studies. Molecular Imaging and Biology (MIB) is the official journal of the World Molecular Imaging Society, the European Society for Molecular Imaging and the Federation of Asian Societies of Molecular Imaging.
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging (FASMI), World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS)
Publisher Name
Springer Nature
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