Title Abbreviation
Therapeutic Area
Dentistry, Health Economics/Outcomes Research, Nursing, Nutrition, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Pathology, Radiology, Rare Diseases, Research, Surgery, Vaccines/Vaccinology
Academics, Allied Health Professionals, Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Dentists, Diabetologists, Dietitians, Epidemiologists, Immunologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Molecular Biologists, Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants, Nurses, Nutritionists, Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Organic Chemists, Patients, Radiologists, Researchers, Scientists, Student Nurses, Veterinarians
BioMedica - Official Journal of University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan, is an open access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that encompasses fundamental and molecular aspects of all fields of medicine, including basic & clinical sciences, dental sciences, nursing, allied health sciences, veterinary & animal sciences, public health, behavioural sciences, health profession's education (Medical Education).
The overall aim of the Journal is to provide a platform for the dissemination of new and innovative information on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, management and prevention of diseases occurring in humans and/or the experimental animal models. Educational research related to health sciences is also one of the major areas covered by the journal.
With this aim, Biomedica sets out to become a great tool for the clinicians, basic medical scientists, veterinarians, academicians, researchers, and wide majority of health care professionals and students to gain more insights from the published content thus benefiting the readers and authors by accelerating the dissemination of authentic and validated information and providing maximum access to scholarly communication.
Since its inception "Biomedica" is being published regularly and is indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO, CrossRef, PakMediNet, Asian Digital Library, Pastic. The journal is HEC accredited with Y category in HJRS and approved by PMDC as per PMC notification No.PF-12-F-Sec.PMC-2020/HEC/033 dated 20-10-2020.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
University of Health Sciences Lahore
Submission to Acceptance
Acceptance to Online Publication
Rejection Rate
Author Submission Guidelines