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Biotechnology Journal

Title Abbreviation
Biotechnol J
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Industrial Scientists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Scientists
The Biotechnology Journal welcomes submissions from all areas of biotechnology and bioengineering research. Papers are selected for publication based on the novelty and level of advance presented in the work, with an emphasis on those that are driving the scientific frontier or that present novel applications that lead to significant new discoveries. The journal primarily publishes Research Articles and Reviews. These submissions are strictly peer-reviewed and editorial decisions are made by in-house editors in partnership with an Editorial Board of active researchers. The journal also aims to cover the public, legal, ethical, and cultural aspects of biotechnological research under our Perspective, Forum and Editorial formats. Authors interested in submitting a piece under one of these formats are invited to send a presubmission enquiry. Submissions received under these formats are selected for publication based on their timeliness, the uniqueness of the presented perspective and the fit for the current editorial needs of the journal. They may be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the journal editors. Areas include, but are not limited to: Disease diagnosis, therapeutics, and vaccines; Genome editing and CRISPR technologies; Cell, tissue, and organoid culture models; Stem cell engineering and disease models; Synthetic biology, metabolic engineering and systems biology; Bioenergy and the green bioeconomy; Plant biotechnology; Sequencing and other omics technologies; Tissue engineering and regeneration; Nanobiotechnology and biomaterials; Industrial scaling of biotechnology, biopharmaceuticals and biocatalysis; Bioprocess engineering and downstream processing; Biosafety and biotech ethics; Methods, software or resources that support biotechnology research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - NJ
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